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Severe Weather Warnings For Thunderstorms

Severe Weather Warnings for Thunderstorms

Stay Informed and Take Shelter When Necessary


Severe thunderstorms are a serious threat to life and property. They can produce high winds, hail, lightning, and even tornadoes. It is important to stay informed about the weather forecast and take shelter when a severe thunderstorm warning is issued.

What is a Severe Thunderstorm Warning?

A severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the National Weather Service when a thunderstorm is producing or is expected to produce severe weather. Severe weather includes winds of 58 miles per hour or greater, hail one inch in diameter or larger, or a tornado.

What to Do When a Severe Thunderstorm Warning is Issued

When a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, you should take shelter immediately. The best place to take shelter is in a sturdy building with a basement. If you are outside, seek shelter in a low-lying area away from trees and power lines.

What to Do if You Are Caught Outside

If you are caught outside during a severe thunderstorm, do not take shelter under a tree or power line. Instead, find a low-lying area and lie down flat. Make yourself as small a target as possible.

Additional Tips

In addition to taking shelter, there are a few other things you can do to stay safe during a severe thunderstorm:

  • Stay away from windows.
  • Unplug electrical appliances.
  • Turn off the gas.
  • Bring pets indoors.

By following these tips, you can help to stay safe during a severe thunderstorm.
